Source Themes

Heterogeneity in the information content of 8-K disclosures about private targets: Acquirer size and target significance

We empirically analyze the disclosures required by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) for acquisitions of privately held target firms by public acquirers.

The Impact of Social Media on Venture Capital Financing: Evidence from Twitter Interactions

We examine the impact of information acquisition through social media on venture capital (VC) investment structures.

Improving Financial Time Series Prediction Accuracy Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Recurrent Neural Networks

Our results show an improvement in forecasting the direction of the stock price by 31% using the classical LSTM architecture.

Insider Trading and Market Manipulation Regulations in Capital Market Law No. 6362

The new Capital Markets Law No.6362 in terms of latest regulations of insider trading and market manipulation crimes.

Short Sales and SEC Regulations after 2008 Financial Crisis

This paper addresses the short selling regulations and restrictions in Turkey and compares the recent restrictions introduced by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regarding 2008 financial crisis.